Friday, April 29, 2005

Job Updates

Patience is the key.

As seen today, the markets reacted badly to the economic reports of slowing economic growth and possible rising inflation. My positions all took hits, and my active portfolio is now only up marginally. I have been thinking about shorting something lately, but I doubt it. I do have more time now (Wednesday was my last day at work!) so I'll hopefully be able to research a bit.
I also need to catch up on some reading and improve my Excel skills; those are my two goals.

I haven't calculated my net worth in the past few days, but I would be surprised if it's over 23K because of declines in my portfolio (although I won $60 tonight in poker!). I have mentioned that I will be using some of my own money and any money I receive from graduation, but if the chance that the amount I receive is greater than the amount I spend- this will not count towards my goal.
So there's a possibility I might be over 25K by the end of May, but I won't consider the goal accomplished unless it's from only money I've earned.

Job Stuff
I met with a recruiting agency today and it went really well. She mentioned three potential jobs (one is more of a portfolio accounting job) and any interviews will be great! I'm also meeting with another recruiter (who has another potential portfolio accounting job) on Monday. I also applied for another job (Portfolio Assistant) in San Fran- hopefully I'll hear back from them.
I'm going to spend some time over the weekend looking for newly posted jobs and more recruiters to contact.