Tuesday, December 26, 2006

2007 Goals

I was looking around the blogosphere to see who, if anyone, has updated their blogs recently. Over at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity, I found a post for Jim's 2007 goals. Now, part of me says that this is a bit ridiculous, and part of me says that the information is too private. However, you can't be held accountable if no one knows what you are supposed to be held accountable FOR. So no matter how absurd doing this might seem to my ego, I'm going to do it anyway. In following with Jim's thoughts, I added "stretch" goals, and boy, do they *ever* seem to be stretches. But hey, to paraphrase T. Harv Eker, your bank account can only grow to the extent that you do. (Actually, that may be a direct quote, but I don't have the book here with me. *shrug*)

Regular Goals –

Personal: Accumulate $50,000 in emergency funds (31 Dec 2007)
Personal: Achieve net worth of $150,000 (31 Dec 2007)
Personal: Have saved $15,000 for house down payment (31 Dec 2007)
Personal: Obtain Certified System Administrator for Solaris 10 (31 Mar 2007)
Business: Achieve $50,000 in revenue in my new venture (31 Dec 2007)
Business: Be directly responsible for acquiring 5 properties for my real estate partnership (31 Dec 2007)

Stretch Goals –

Personal: Read 100 books (31 Dec 2007)
Personal: Learn to drive a manual transmission (30 Jun 2007)
Personal: Attend Skip Barber driving school (31 Dec 2007)
Personal: Obtain Oracle Certified Administrator certification for Oracle 10g (30 Jun 2007)
Business: Purchase 1 multi-unit rental property w/ a monthly cash flow in excess of $1000 (31 Dec 2007)
Business: Achieve $100,000 in revenue in my new venture (31 Dec 2007)


fin_indie said...

Nice specific goals. Aggressive, but that's what stretch goals are for, right? I still can't get over 100 books!! damn!


Khyron said...

The 100 books was inspired by my 2nd cousin. Apparently, he read that many in 2005, or close to it. You can only be impressed with that. Of course, he's a teenager so he doesn't quite have as many time commitments as I do, but I respect that achievement nonetheless.