Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Ramifications of Twilight

I finally completed "Twilight in the Desert" while working out earlier today, and all I can say is "Wow!". If that book doesn't make you re-think your relationship to oil, and the relationship of oil producing nations to the US, you're hopeless. There really is nothing else that can be said.

Matthew Simmons lays out an awesome, and logical, case for the impending end of the Saudi Arabian "Oil Miracle". Whether you're convinced is up to you but the arguments are compelling in my opinion. Once you know something, you have the choice to act on your newly found knowledge, or to ignore it, but you do the latter at your own peril.

While the book clearly states that there is no way to know with certainty when the "Oil Miracle" (whether Saudi Arabia's or any other oil producer's) will end, it is clear the end is coming. Faster than you think. A lot faster.

I plan to share this book with as many people as I can, starting with my students. If you haven't read it, you need to. Today. There are so many investment theses that I can see coming out of it, starting with investing in scarce natural resources like oil. However, the scale of the consequences of Matt Simmon's assertions is planetary. As is this. Scary stuff man.


Now, on to the next book, "Speedwealth" by T. Harv Eker. Until next time...

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