Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Some nice work news

I've been slacking with my personal finance or stock market posts, and well I'm going to slack on that once again (although an end of the month net worth should be coming soon).

I received some good news today at work. The head trader told me that we're going to try something new. Previously I've been using technical analysis to find stocks/industries that look interesting either on the long or short side. I did okay and I picked up on some of the technical analysis parts. I'm also starting to form a basis for that side of investing. For instance, I like to stick to RSI, MACD, and trends within these as well as moving averages.

Now the new part: previously everything was just paper trades. I would put down some stocks and give a few reasons. Now my picks might go into the real portfolio! Of course, he's going to make me start small (but I'm not exactly sure how much that means). Anyways now I'm looking for one or two good ideas that I can back-up with some strong reasons. If I'm able to do that and he thinks my reasonings are sound, we'll (okay he will) buy/short them.
I was pretty excited to hear the news and hopefully I find something good.

1 comment:

nodoodahs said...


Congrats on getting some real $$ to play with!