Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Blog Recommendation - Hedge Fund Blog

Original title, eh?

Nevermind that. I found this a little while back, I think late in the Christmas vacation cycle, but hadn't yet a chance to evaluate it. Well, the review is in and besides some interesting posts that raise thought provoking questions, how can you pass on the Hedge Fund Aptitude Test?

Pure comedy. I love it!

Anyway, a quick start to the new year. I know, its not glamorous. But hey, there's been no market action in this country for the last few days. But I'll be back for more real soon, especially once I get some more time to digest the "Portable alpha and diversification" post. That one really struck me for a some reason. I like it, and I hope to be able to articulate why.

Anyway, back to the grind. Until next time...

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