Thursday, January 26, 2006

Time for some Links

The market had a great day today (and the way things are looking I might be losing my FRX shares at $45). In an unrelated note, I logged into my Think or Swim account and I'm still incredibly impressed with this brokerage. The software is incredible, you can do so many things, and their commissions are cheap. Even if you're not into options, you might want to check it out for stocks (I think stock commissions are only $5)

Some stories I read throughout the day

Microsoft reported today and more people are saying that the shares might actually start moving (it's been practically flat for the past few years) due to new products (Xbox, new operating system, and I think a new Office package). I'm pretty sure I've heard similar stories last year, but maybe this is Microsoft's year.

Another interesting article is on J&J (on my watch list) about any upcoming acquisitions.

Business week put out an article on 4 cheap stocks. I don't know if I'll have any time to look into any of them (I'm only really familiar with EMC), but it might be interesting for others.

This stock has been on my watch list for awhile and now there's a little more press about it.

That's all for now. I think next week I might write a few posts (or one) about certain inside workings of a hedge fund. I usually have people ask me questions and I thought it would be good to share a few things.

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