Monday, January 23, 2006

Time Management

Time management is key in a lot of areas of life. Someone might have a bunch of good ideas, but if they can't manage their time well then they might never get around to developing these ideas.
This site has some time management tips.

I manage my time by keeping a day planner. The night before I take a few minutes to jot down all the things I want to get done the next day. The list doesn't have to contain really important things, but just all the tasks I want complete. This method helps me keep track of the things that need to be done and the act of checking things off a list also motivates me to finish the entire list.

Over the weekend I spent a little time reviewing the things that I needed to get done in the long run and decided that I wouldn't have enough time. I thought about cutting things out, but I think if I move things around I'll be able to free up some time. From now until June, my main focus should be on the CFA. It's hard to fit enough time for this when I still need time to: go to the gym, work 40-45 hours per week, and take two college classes.
I need to go to the gym and I can't cut back on my work hours, so I decided to drop one class. I dropped the one I thought would be the most challenging (visual basic programming) because I have no programming experience. This will basically free up my Monday nights, which is a huge time saver. By counting class time, commute time, and homework time I think I'll be saving at least 7 hours per week. I can take the class next semester, when I'll be a little less busy.

I'm doing fairly well in 2006 (so far!). During market hours (so they don't reflect closing prices) I checked out the indices and the three major ones are between 0 and +2%. My holdings are between +0.4% and 13.9%, and three of them have double digit gains. Hopefully this continues!

Important News
I received two great emails earlier today and time to share the news.
NCN over at No Credit Needed has started a podcast! I think this is fantastic news and I hope people listen to it (you can also download the casts in mp3 form; the first one is about 11mb big).
I wish him the best of luck and if you want to check it out please go to his podcast site, which is right here.

Another huge piece of news comes from Free Money Finance. A new personal finance blog network has started by uniting five huge finance blogs. The network is called the Money Blog Network and the five blogs are: Free Money Finance, All Things Financial, Blueprint for Financial Prosperity, Consumerism Commentary, and Five Cent Nickel.
These are five fantastic blogs and I'm sure the new network is going to be a huge success.

1 comment:

NCN said...

Hey! Thanks for the mention of my new podcast. I am SO excited, and I tons of pf bloggers have said some very nice things about it. Thanks again, and keep up the GREAT site...