Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm Back

Ok, I've been absent a while, so lets get caught up. I'm back from Orange County, CA and ready for work.

First, I have to say that the Audi A8L is a *very* nice car. If you have the chance to test drive one, I highly recommend it. I know I would have to seriously consider one if my trusty steed ever broke down. OMG!! Of course, maybe it had something to do with smokin' yuppie yugos (read: BMW 3 Series) at 120+ on the PCH Friday night. Great fun! I can't stand the 3 Series.

On the flights to and from Cali, I spent some time cuddling up with Matt Simmons' "Twilight in the Desert". Fascinating book. (Thanks, LTB. Good lookin' out!) I'm not too far in yet, and I'm sure there are tons of reviews floating around the 'Net on this book, so I won't contribute to the byte pollution with one more. But its definitely worth a read.

So I'm working on closing out my currency account. That experiment will get taken up again later. Nothing else to see here. Move along.

On the commodity side, I'm looking at coffee and possibly wheat (again) in the near future. Gold just got slaughtered so I had to get out. I do see long term upside but in this arena, it clearly doesn't pay to wait. We'll see what else looks promising. Gotta do some research before I roll out of here tonight. The currency funds will get rolled over here eventually.

On the more personal side, I need to check up on my new 401(k). I am an asset allocator after all, and with the last few hectic weeks, I've totally neglected this. And my taxable equity portfolio. We draw closer to earnings announcements for the stock I've been tracking, and I have a good feeling. Time to load up is near. I'll let you know what the play is after I have my position. Here's a hint though - it is a tech stock.

My man "G" passed along an interesting paper, which looks like it may be a dissertation (?) of some sort, about creating a stock market trend application. Looks interesting, if a bit rough. Will have to take a gander at that later this week when I have some spare cycles. But "G" always sends along good stuff to read. I wonder where he finds the time. Probably due to all that consulting work! Talk about a job that isn't. But I still love him. I'll keep you all posted if I see anything interesting in this paper. Which I'm sure I will.

So last month was a bit slow. I'm going to work on making October more robust and readable. And feel free to prompt me. I live and die by you, my readers. So let me know what works for you and what doesn't.


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