Monday, April 03, 2006

March month end review

Another month has passed and it's time for another review. I'm slightly disappointed by the results, but there's nothing I can do about that now.
I did have a few fairly large expenses this month, which brought down my total. For instance I bought a usb flashdrive for $60, I bought six concert tickets for over $200, I took a trip to Reno and that was a bit expensive, had to pay one fairly large bill, and the last expense was $180 for a new window. My car was unfortunately broken into a week ago and they broke through the little triangle glass in the back. A jacket was stolen and that's about it, and I was surprised by how expensive it was to replace that little piece of glass!

My month end total is $43,493.

This represents a monthly gain of only $528. Based on my take home pay, I managed to save a little over 15% of my paychecks. While I'm glad I had a positive gain, this if pretty low from my 40% savings goal.
Well, this month was full of one-time charges. If I add those back and pretend they didn't happen, my savings rate would have been 45%
I think next month I'll get back on track because I should receive a reimbursement check, money for concert tickets, a few things on eBay, and possibly a few other items.